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Christmas Shutdown
TWEED Office Closed
20 December until Further Notice

Due to the Christmas Shutdown and the current COVID situation
 Our office in TWEED will be unavailable until further notice.
We have moved!

We are NO longer at
Suite 2,133 Wharf Street Tweed Heads.
Our Staff will continue to work from home until further notice

We are closed for Christmas
from 20/12/2021 to 14/01/2022
We are still available for phone and online appointments
AFTER 14th January 2022
Please either call Sue to make an appointment on
07 55231159 or please go to our website:
Please DO NOT drop any documentation to the office.
"A reminder that NO documentation be dropped at Jennifer's HOME as she has moved"
All documentation should be either:
1. Scanned and uploaded to your Suitefiles Connected Folder
2. Mailed to P O Box 308, Banora Point NSW 2486
3. Scanned and emailed to office@lbas.com.au
4. If you need to physically receive or collect documentation, or meet with us:
 please contact us on 07 5523 1159
to arrange a COVID safe and mutual time and location.
We thank you for your co-operation and understanding at this time
Wishing you
a blessed Christmas
Goodbye 2021
and a Happy 2022
Kind Regards, 
Jennifer and the team
Hits: 2901

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Christmas Peace


Season Greetings

Wishing you a very happy Christmas, safe holiday season and all the best for the New Year.

From your team
Lee Business & Accounting Services

 Our office will be closed from Friday 22nd December to Monday 8th January



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We have relocated to Suite 8, First floor,
133 Wharf Street TWEED HEADS NSW 2485
There is ample street parking right outside the door. 
It is easy to find as it is right opposite the Tweed Council Chambers, library and boat harbour
Our email, postal address and phone numbers are still the same.
Feel free to contact us on 0755242498 or 0412814808
Our office hours are 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday

Appointments may still be available outside these hours
Hits: 5450

It’s that time of the year again.  Time to consider if you can claim a tax deduction for your staff Christmas party and gifts? Or are there Fringe Benefit tax obligations for the employer? How is a Cash Christmas Bonus treated? 

The ATO have a basic article on their website for you to get a feel of the legislation: https://www.ato.gov.au/Newsroom/smallbusiness/General/Work-Christmas-parties-and-gifts/

Christmas Bonus

Any cash Christmas Bonus you give your current employee, will need to be included their payslip, have PAYG withheld and superannuation paid. This will be included in the payment summary earnings at the end of the financial year. Tax deductible, no FBT

Christmas party: It depends on the cost, whether it is held on or off the employer premises and where, and who it is for (employee, associates, suppliers, clients)

Christmas Gifts: It depends on the cost, type of gift, and who it is for (employee, associates, suppliers, clients)

Some Basic Pointers:

For EACH employee (or employee’s associate):


Gifts & Hampers (non-entertainment gifts):

• If the gift is $299 or less each, it is regarded as a minor Benefit and NOT tax deductible, no FBT

• If the gift is $300 or more each, it is regarded as an employee Benefit and is tax deductible, and FBT is payable by the employer

….For Clients & Suppliers, tax deductible, no FBT where a Minor gift – where an expectation it will motivate referral of your products or services


Parties (& entertainment Gifts)


• If the party is $299 or less each, it is regarded as a minor Benefit and NOT tax deductible, no FBT

• If the party is $300 or more each, it is regarded as an employee Benefit and is tax deductible, and FBT is payable by the employer

(If the party is on the employer’s business premises ON a working day, for the current employee only, it is regarded as an exempt property benefit NOT tax deductible, no FBT.)

….For Clients & Suppliers, NOT tax deductible, no FBT 

Please refer to the following link for detailed consideration of clients, suppliers, employees & their associates:   https://www.ato.gov.au/General/Fringe-benefits-tax-(FBT)/In-detail/Fact-sheets/FBT-and-Christmas-parties/?page=2



Taxi Travel: (To\from Christmas Party or Entertainment)

• Single Trip beginning and\or ending at employers employer’s business premises ON a working day, for the current employee,  NOT tax deductible, no FBT.


• Otherwise: If the taxi and value of other associated entertainment benefits is $299 or less, it is regarded as a minor Benefit and NOT tax deductible, no FBT 


If the taxi and value of other associated entertainment benefits is $300 or more, it is regarded as an employee Benefit and is tax deductible, and FBT is payable by the employer


Other Useful Links about entertainment gifts\parties: https://www.ato.gov.au/General/Fringe-benefits-tax-(fbt)/In-detail/Publications/FBT-and-entertainment-for-small-business/?page=4#What_is_entertainment_


This is general information only, and should not be relied upon without professional advice. Please call us on 07 5523 1159 for a consultation to clarify tax deductibility & FBT treatment relating to your particular business circumstances


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